News • 08/03/23
No, we will not be bloody hugging ourselves this IWD

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day gave us eye strain
The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day gave us eye strain (there’s only so much eye-rolling you should ever attempt).
It also made us think… supporting women in the workplace isn’t just for IWD, it’s an all-year round endeavour. Here are six things we do year-round to push for greater equality at work:
Salary transparency – within the company AND on all job ads (pay secrecy is where equality goes to die)
All roles offered flexibly as standard – every single role is offered part-time, job share, whatever works
Flexible working from day one – where, when, and how you work best.
36 days paid leave – including the bank hols. And for part time workers, holiday allowance is worked out pro-rata and then bank holidays added on top so you don’t miss out (AND you can take the bank holiday days whenever you want – not just on the ‘official’ days)
Support around menstruation, menopause and miscarriage – for example, six days off with full pay if you or your partner experience a miscarriage. With three paid days off if you need time to care for a loved one who’s had a miscarriage (perhaps you’re a parent, sibling or grandparent)
Enhanced maternity and paternity leave – and shared parental leave actively encouraged. Because until everyone gets better support to be a proactive parent, society won’t get any more equal
So, instead of hugging ourselves and taking a creepy selfie this IWD, we’ll be continuing to reflect on what more we can do to support equality in the workplace.