Our impact
Impact Report 2023/24
When we set up Jack & Grace, our goal was to be the most ethical comms & PR agency in the UK. So, B Corp certification was an obvious step for us. It goes to the heart of what we believe – that business can (and should) be a force for good.
Jack & Grace proudly joined the certified B Corp community in 2023.
Our impact: the triple bottom line
There’s no doubt that money is a really important part of running a business, but the ‘people’ and ‘planet’ bit of the triple bottom line are equally important. So we write our business plans and measure our success to balance all three pillars: People, Planet and Purposeful Profit.
(We’ll never compromise our purpose and values for profit – which is why we like to talk about ‘purposeful profit’).
This is our first impact report since becoming an accredited B Corp. There’s lots to celebrate and lots to keep working hard at. Becoming a B Corp is recognition of the commitment we’ve made, but it’s just the start of the journey.

Our impact: highlights for 2023/24
100% of our team feel happy at work and say our values are reflected in the way the leadership team rolls
Proudly gobby on issues like flexible working and salary transparency
Policies on menopause and periods, and pregnancy loss
Net Zero Carbon measurement in place with SBTi verified net zero target set for 2035
Became a vegetarian business
Slow business travel – no flying
Purposeful Profit
Client campaigns on important issues like cancer awareness, soil health, youth leadership and social mobility
Supporting suppliers that align with our values and boycotting Amazon (still waiting for Jeff Bezos to notice)
Running a purpose-led business isn’t easy. It’s not a soft option. You have to choose to do it everyday, on purpose. It doesn’t just happen.
It affects all your decisions and it can be really tough. But it’s better. In. So. Many. Ways.
To read more about how we’re prioritising sustainability and wellbeing in equilibrium with profit, download our 2023/24 impact report here.