Our Work
Leukaemia UK
Building brand awareness for research charity Leukaemia UK

Building brand awareness for research charity Leukaemia UK
We were tasked with reaching current and potential supporters with a brand building campaign for Leukaemia UK.
Using audience profiling research from Beautiful Insights, and with three different creative routes developed by The Clearing we built a test-learn-adapt channel strategy targeting people with a link to the disease – people who have experienced leukaemia either themselves or through the diagnosis of a loved one.
What did we achieve?
- More than 50,000 people visited the campaign landing page.
- This was an increase of 700% on normal traffic levels to the website.
- Organic social engagement increased by 339%.
- 210 people signed up to the Leukaemia UK newsletter.
- The campaign helped drive an increase in donations – the highest levels in one month for 2023.